Virtual Data Room

How to Keep Your Data Secure?

Sudden leakage of data at the enterprise can be a significant obstacle for highly profitable businesses, provoking financial and reputational losses. In this article, we will discuss how to keep business data secure and analyze data room software for online collaboration.

Security problems in modern business

With the development of computer technology and the use of computer networks, there is a problem with the protection of information sources. Any unauthorized intrusion can lead to the loss of important information, its secrecy, and as a consequence – the use of this information for any selfish purposes. According to experts, the leakage of 20% of commercial information in sixty cases out of a hundred leads to bankruptcy. Thus, modern businesses must protect their assets from accidental or criminal internal and external misuse. Customer information must also be protected.

Among the threats faced by enterprises there are external hacks of the corporate network and as a result the unavailability of corporate services, leakage of confidential data, inability to control web traffic, as well as the penetration of viruses and Trojans, various types of internal threats.

Threats endanger the availability, privacy, and integrity of confidential information. To ensure that these three fundamental conditions the protection of electronic data exchange, it is necessary to take some security measures. In this case, a trusted cloud storage-based virtual data room (VDR) is a good alternative.

Virtual data room: security in the first place!

A VDR system is a powerful tool that is used to control, plan and analyze work with clients, including through the automation of individual working moments. It is a digital platform, that is designed for secure storing of sensitive data, providing reliable collaborative workspace, and file-sharing.

Data room software ensures the following security measures:

  • Encryption is the task of maintaining the confidentiality of information transmitted. Encryption involves the reversible conversion of information for the purpose of concealment from unauthorized persons while providing access to this information to authorized users who have a certain authentic key.
  • An electronic digital signature (EDS) is designed to protect electronic documents from forgery. The peculiarity of EDS is that it is based on algorithms for cryptographic protection of information and is superimposed using a private key – a special code known only to the person who signed the document. The validity of the EDS is verified using a public key – the verification code. This code makes it impossible to forge the EDS of the author of the electronic document but provides an opportunity to verify its authenticity.
  • Access control is a system function that provides security technology that allows or denies access to certain types of data, based on the identification of the entity that needs access and the data object that is the target of access. Access to protected information should be restricted so that only those with the right of access can obtain this information.
  • Ensuring authentication involves conducting a procedure to verify the authenticity of the other party: authentication of the user by comparing the password entered by him with the password stored in the user database; authentication of the e-mail by checking the digital signature of the sender’s public key, etc.
  • Data backup and archiving regulations are established in accordance with the requirements of the corporation’s security policy and in accordance with the plan approved by the data processing center. When planning to copy the components of the data warehouse, it is necessary to assess the balance between the level of data protection and the money spent on it.